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Kirstie's Handmade Christmas

Chris English

On Thursday 17th November I found myself being filmed for the Channel 4 show Kirstie's handmade Christmas.

I had a great time and everybody involved was great and put me at ease.

The format was a 4 hour timed competition to make a Christmas stocking - something I'd not made before....

The day started meeting the other contestants who were all lovely and very talented, we had to set up our table and were then filmed walking into the room where the competition was to take place. The room was very festive and the venue was beautiful.

I got onto the show by sending the production company one of my mini quilts ( Iwas hoping for my own series....) and they then got in touch about the competition.

Prior to the filming I bought a few festive looking check shirts, some solids and some Liberty fabric to use in my usual style.

Kirstie was very friendly and I was impressed by how quickly it all got done, everyone on the production team knew what thye were doing and got on with it.

Once the competition was under way we were filmed at various points throughout the day and did a couple of bits to the camera with Kirstie.

I'm unsure if a career in front of the camera beckons for me, I felta bit awkward and the pressure was on as time pressed on.

I managed to get my stocking finished and included the elements I wanted to, I would have liked to do a bit more free motion quilting but I was broadly happy with how my stocking turned out.

The show will be on Channel 4 at 8pm Wednesday 14th December - let me know what you think!

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